Essay, Research Paper: Rome Builders
European History
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Ancient Roman culture had a direct impact on how we view art, literature,
architecture, education and religion. Early Roman civilizations were very
sophisticated and idealistic. They build great architectural buildings and
performed famous playwrights at these ancient places. Romans were considered to
most advanced civilization of their time. With beautiful statues, well designed
buildings, and some of the greatest philosophers came from Rome. One of the most
noticeable characteristics of Roman society and culture is the impact of the
Greeks. Greek civilization played an increasing role in Roman culture. Greek
ambassadors, merchants, and artists traveled to Rome and spread Greek thought
and practices. After Rome�s conquest of the Hellenistic Kingdoms, Roman
military commanders shipped Greek art and ancient manuscript back to Rome. Every
area of Roman life, from literature and philosophy to religion and education,
was influenced by Greek models. Greeks were in much demand as tutors, musicians,
doctors, and artists. Latin translations of Greek plays for presentation at
public festivals introduced Romans to the world of Greek theater. The Romans
wore Greek costumes and Greek masks. The Romans were also dependent on the
Greeks for artistic inspiration. In the third and second centuries B.C. the
Romans adopted many features of the Hellenistic style of art. The Romans
excelled in achitecture and in beautiful are. They also built bridges and
aqueducts, amphitheaters, and tenement buildings, the Romans also constructed a
series of highways that traversed the Roman word and linked it all together. The
Romans also developed a taste for Greek statures which they placed not only in
public buildings, but in their private houses. Greek knowledge was a crucial
ingredient in education, schools taught by professional teachers emerged to
supply this need. The importance of education to the Romans was very crucial.
These schools had a standard curriculum based on the liberal arts like
literature, dialectic, arithmetic, writing, reading, geometry, astronomy, and
music. They need skills for their Roman citizens to master the basic elements of
farming, and develop the physical skills needed to be good soldiers. Girls were
supposed to learn the skills needed to be good wives and mothers. To pursue a
career, they needed to learn good speaking skills that would enable them to win
elections and lawsuits in the court. When Rome was expanding throughout Italy,
the Romans pursed consistent policies and treaties. They excelled in making the
correct diplomatic decisions. They had a great military and high power. Rome
essentially mobilized the entire military manpower of all Italy for its wars.
The Roman had established colonies or fortified town�s at all strategic
locations. They built roads to these settlements and connecting them together
assured them of an impressive military and communications network that enabled
them to rule effectively and efficiently. Roman religion focused on the worship
of the gods because human beings were thought to be totally dependent upon them.
The main feature of early Roman religion was the belief that spirits living
forces dwell in all the object of the natural world. Romans came to identify
such spiritual forces with gods, but worshiped them without images or temples.
The Etruscans made a major impact on Roman religion. The Romans considered the
proper worship of the gods an important element of their success. Religion and
politics obviously went hand to hand to the Romans. Religious festivals were an
important part of Roman religious practices. Proper rituals by state priest
brought the Romans into proper relationship with the gods and guaranteed
security, peace, and prosperity. There was three stages that Rome�s empire was
built on. The first was the conquest of Italy, the conflict with Carthage and
expansion into the western Mediterranean, and the involve ment with the
domination of the Hellenistic kingdoms in the eastern Mediterranean. Rome�s
foreign success also had enormous repercussions for the internal development of
the Roman Republic. All of the Roman Empire was great in many way they were the
great builder between East and West . Constantinople was the medieval worlds
greatest commercial center. The city was the chief entrepot for the exchange of
products between east and west. Constantinople was considered to be the
crossroad between the East and West. They exchange spices, jewelry, ivory, and
varous types of art. The city was the building blocks for further expansion to
the East and West.
architecture, education and religion. Early Roman civilizations were very
sophisticated and idealistic. They build great architectural buildings and
performed famous playwrights at these ancient places. Romans were considered to
most advanced civilization of their time. With beautiful statues, well designed
buildings, and some of the greatest philosophers came from Rome. One of the most
noticeable characteristics of Roman society and culture is the impact of the
Greeks. Greek civilization played an increasing role in Roman culture. Greek
ambassadors, merchants, and artists traveled to Rome and spread Greek thought
and practices. After Rome�s conquest of the Hellenistic Kingdoms, Roman
military commanders shipped Greek art and ancient manuscript back to Rome. Every
area of Roman life, from literature and philosophy to religion and education,
was influenced by Greek models. Greeks were in much demand as tutors, musicians,
doctors, and artists. Latin translations of Greek plays for presentation at
public festivals introduced Romans to the world of Greek theater. The Romans
wore Greek costumes and Greek masks. The Romans were also dependent on the
Greeks for artistic inspiration. In the third and second centuries B.C. the
Romans adopted many features of the Hellenistic style of art. The Romans
excelled in achitecture and in beautiful are. They also built bridges and
aqueducts, amphitheaters, and tenement buildings, the Romans also constructed a
series of highways that traversed the Roman word and linked it all together. The
Romans also developed a taste for Greek statures which they placed not only in
public buildings, but in their private houses. Greek knowledge was a crucial
ingredient in education, schools taught by professional teachers emerged to
supply this need. The importance of education to the Romans was very crucial.
These schools had a standard curriculum based on the liberal arts like
literature, dialectic, arithmetic, writing, reading, geometry, astronomy, and
music. They need skills for their Roman citizens to master the basic elements of
farming, and develop the physical skills needed to be good soldiers. Girls were
supposed to learn the skills needed to be good wives and mothers. To pursue a
career, they needed to learn good speaking skills that would enable them to win
elections and lawsuits in the court. When Rome was expanding throughout Italy,
the Romans pursed consistent policies and treaties. They excelled in making the
correct diplomatic decisions. They had a great military and high power. Rome
essentially mobilized the entire military manpower of all Italy for its wars.
The Roman had established colonies or fortified town�s at all strategic
locations. They built roads to these settlements and connecting them together
assured them of an impressive military and communications network that enabled
them to rule effectively and efficiently. Roman religion focused on the worship
of the gods because human beings were thought to be totally dependent upon them.
The main feature of early Roman religion was the belief that spirits living
forces dwell in all the object of the natural world. Romans came to identify
such spiritual forces with gods, but worshiped them without images or temples.
The Etruscans made a major impact on Roman religion. The Romans considered the
proper worship of the gods an important element of their success. Religion and
politics obviously went hand to hand to the Romans. Religious festivals were an
important part of Roman religious practices. Proper rituals by state priest
brought the Romans into proper relationship with the gods and guaranteed
security, peace, and prosperity. There was three stages that Rome�s empire was
built on. The first was the conquest of Italy, the conflict with Carthage and
expansion into the western Mediterranean, and the involve ment with the
domination of the Hellenistic kingdoms in the eastern Mediterranean. Rome�s
foreign success also had enormous repercussions for the internal development of
the Roman Republic. All of the Roman Empire was great in many way they were the
great builder between East and West . Constantinople was the medieval worlds
greatest commercial center. The city was the chief entrepot for the exchange of
products between east and west. Constantinople was considered to be the
crossroad between the East and West. They exchange spices, jewelry, ivory, and
varous types of art. The city was the building blocks for further expansion to
the East and West.
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